Software Development Practices
Software Development Practices
Many companies make the mistake of adopting new software from the start without the proper planning and discipline. Software engineering is a dynamic discipline that requires careful consideration and adaptation on a regular basis. Some companies jump into the new paradigm shift without fully understanding its essence, resulting in poor adoption practices. Worse, companies may adopt new technologies without considering its implications. This is why companies should conduct thorough planning and implementation of new software projects.
First, identify and understand your software needs before rolling out a new software tool. There are three stages to a successful software deployment: testing, integration, and user acceptance. During each stage, there are opportunities for early adopters to collaborate with project managers. The most crucial component during testing is acceptance testing, which enables the new software to meet end-users’ needs.
It’s important to note that software engineering isn’t simply about automation. In fact, a large part of the emphasis on software development practice is about improving the quality of human engineering. Thus, many seasoned practitioners view testing as a necessary evil. Test automation however should be seen as a tool for speeding up engineering processes, not as an additional process.
Second, quality assurance analysts and testers become integral members of the software development team. They don’t necessarily have to work on each and every new software application; rather, quality assurance testers should be responsible for looking for bugs in source code, detecting design flaws, and maintaining a list of unresolved issues. Testers should also ensure that new software developers to create test cases for these bugs. While software developers create the blueprint for the application’s architecture, testers play an important role in identifying and documenting the software’s usability. Finally, testers can verify the application’s security.
On the flip side, new software engineering efforts must also integrate with established disciplines. Integration requires a well-defined plan and discipline. For example, requirements must be aligned with organizational goals and objectives or else the project will be doomed to fail. Likewise, a seamless integration strategy should exist between the software’s architectural structure, business rules, and personnel specifications.
These practices are just some of the practices involved in software engineering. Many professionals believe that these practices are essential to the field’s long-term success. A further opinion is that software engineering and software development need to cooperate in order to reap the maximum benefits of their collective efforts. What do you think?